
USAID Administrator Power speaks at podium during the launch of the Partnership for a Lead-Free Future.

Our partners share the common commitment to create a lead-free future for every child. To learn more about the process of becoming a partner, click here.

The Partnership for a Lead-Free Future catalyzes connections between countries and organizations dedicated to fulfilling their commitments. If your entity shares in our mission, we invite you to apply and join the Partnership. 



  1. Armenia 
  2. Bangladesh 
  3. Bhutan 
  4. Cambodia 
  5. Canada 
  6. Dominican Republic 
  7. Ethiopia 
  8. Georgia 
  9. Ghana 
  10.  Guinea 
  11.  Indonesia 
  12.  Ireland 
  13. Japan
  14.  Kenya 
  15.  Malawi 
  16.  Mali 
  17.  Morocco 
  18.  Nepal 
  19.  Nigeria 
  20.  Norway 
  21.  Philippines 
  22.  Republic of Ireland 
  23.  Sierra Leone 
  24.  Tanzania 
  25.  Togo 
  26.  Uganda
  27.  United States (USAID, EPA, CDC, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene)
  28.  Vietnam 
  29.  Yemen

Civil society

  1. Center for Global Development (CGD) 
  2. Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) 
  3. Dalberg
  4. Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP) 
  5. Global Development Incubator (GDI) 
  6.  International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)
  7. Inner City Fund (ICF)
  8. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
  9. International Pediatric Association (IPA)
  10. International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) 
  11.  Lead Exposure Elimination Project (LEEP) 
  12.  Mercer University
  13.  Pahle India Foundation 
  14.  Pure Earth 
  15.  Resolve to Save Lives 
  16.  RTI International 
  17.  Stanford University 
  18.  Vital Strategies
  19.  World Economic Forum

Multilateral organizations

  1. Asian Development Bank
  3. UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
  4. United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
  5. World Health Organization (WHO)
  6. World Bank

Foundations and private sector

  1. American Spice Trade Association (ASTA)
  2. Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
  3. Clarios Foundation
  4. Conrad H. Hilton Foundation
  5. Dangote Foundation
  6. Gates Foundation
  7. Homeworld Collective
  8. Open Philanthropy
  9. P150
  10.  Renaissance Philanthropy
  11.  Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors